Quantum Parenting

Holistic, Consciousness-Based Practices for Sensitive Children and Their Families.

Harmonize your family dynamic and deepen your connection to your child.

Support your child in a way that allows for their natural and healthy unfolding.

Support your child’s physical, soul and spiritual health.

Begin a new journey of self-discovery and healing that will transform your home life.

What is Quantum Parenting?

Quantum Parenting is being mindful and aware in our approach to our children and widening our perspective about them and their context on the earth and in our lives. It is a call to change our view of ourselves and our child and to begin to see our child as a mystery to understand, a gift waiting to unfold.

Quantum parenting helps us understand that we are working and learning together with our children in our journey to wholeness.

At the heart of Donna’s Quantum Parenting program is the understanding that the quality of care of a parent or caregiver improves significantly as they take up the work of soul and consciousness expansion and healing.
This is particularly important for sensitive children.

In her consultations, Donna combines her work as a seasoned teacher with her intuitive healing abilities to help you broaden your perspective about your family situation and your child.

She offers practical suggestions based on holistic educational perspectives as well as suggestions and insights based on her work as a channel and an intuitive healer to tune into the energy of the family and to help bring health and harmony.

Donna can help you better understand the needs of your child and help you to create environments where the family can flourish.

Photo Credit: Ruth Elasser

Donna will put you in touch with research-based knowledge about childhood development and therapeutic educational techniques for children. She will offer practical suggestions, helping you to recognize your child’s behavioral messages and needs.

Donna will help you organize your routines in a way that will give you more personal time by crafting daily and weekly rhythms that bring balance to your child. She will offer consciousness-based practices such as mindfulness, meditation and breathwork that will support your journey to wholeness and provide a harmonious foundation for your child and family.

Donna’s journey as a practitioner and advocate of Quantum Parenting began when she started her career as a Waldorf early childhood teacher in 1995.

With the birth of her son, in 2002, Donna deepened her study of therapeutic and consciousness-based educational practices. She began a fifteen year journey researching holistic education and therapeutic practices for sensitive children.

During this time, she worked as a teacher and developed a conscious educational curriculum for sensitive children at the Sun Cottage School in Louisville, Kentucky. This program was designed to meet the specific needs of sensitive children melding Waldorf education, nature immersion, consciousness-based approaches, art and matricentric philosophy.

This initiative brought beautiful transformation to the children in her care and brought more peace and happiness to their families. Donna draws on the wisdom of this program and her wealth of experience with sensitive children in her work in Quantum Parenting Consultations.

Quantum Parenting Consultations – 
How do they work?

Donna will meet with you virtually for an initial consultation to hear about your unique family situation. This will be an information gathering and listening session for her.

Your next meeting will focus on her observations and sharing about what steps to take. She will work with you to develop intentions for your family’s healing journey. Donna will then craft a plan of action and work with you to develop and implement the plan, providing counsel throughout the process.

Recommendations can include such things as changes in the child’s daily or weekly routine, educational considerations, parent education, meditation work, curative movement exercise for the child and dietary or sensory regimen changes. Each family is unique as is each plan of action.

Quantum Parenting Consulting is most successful when we work together over time, to develop a relationship and to make changes and readjustments. On occasion, I will make home visits, in order to really get to know your child, your family and your home environment. This puts me in touch with your child which can greatly facilitate the process.

Please reach out in the contacts to learn more about Quantum Parenting Consultations. I look forward to hearing from you.

Consultations are held by phone or virtually via Google Meet or Zoom. Sessions are 1.5 hours in length. Cost is $120.00 per session. Packages are available for one, three and six months. Sliding Scale options are available.