Energy Healing

Donna is a gifted energy reader, specializing in clearing and balancing energy signatures. Our energy signature is the place from which we create our lives. It is the particular energy we generate with our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, perspectives and karmic patterns.

When our energy signatures are out of alignment, we need rebalancing. This is important for health and healing.

In Donna’s session with you, she will optimize the flow of your physical and mental/emotional bodies. She will restore harmony to your system which brings an energetic reset to dissolve stress and clear patterns and outdated programming. This alchemizes your energy for transformational shifts in your personal journey.

How do Energy Healings work?

Energy Healings take place in person in Donna’s San Jose office in the Santa Fe area.

When you schedule a session, you will receive a questionnaire and a permission form. After sitting with this, Donna begins her work of creating sacred space for your journey together. She will connect with spirit on your behalf, and begin making a connection with your higher self and energy field. This process happens before your appointment in the privacy of her office.

When you arrive for your appointment, Donna will greet you and share a moment to check in. She will begin with a meditation, creating sacred space. She will then invite you to relax on her massage table.

This is your time to completely relax. Donna will offer energy clearing and harmonizing with therapeutic touch. She will accompany her work with vocal sound healing, curtailed to your particular energy signature. This could include mantras, chants and improvised musical channeling.

Towards the end of the session, Donna will guide you in a mediation to ground your energy. She will give you time to come back to the present moment and the details of daily life.

She will invite you to sit and share any conclusive thoughts. Donna will be available for two-weeks following your appointment to field questions and make suggestions.

Energy Healing Sessions last 1.5 hours. The cost is $150.00/session.

Energy Signature Healing Package:

For those wishing to delve more deeply into the healing of their energy signatures, Donna offers a six-week program. She will work with you on a deeper level to maintain your positive and high vibrational energy.

She will shine a light on the patterns in your energy signature and help you clarify where change could happen in your habits and patterns so that you can intentionally and consciously create the life you are hoping for.

She will help you harness your own capacity to create in a conscious way, purifying your own energy patterns and aligning your energy signature with your highest potential and soul mission. Donna can help you create new patterns by working with you to develop self-development practices that work for you, such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, movement practices and energy work.

This six-week healing journey includes:
* Three sessions of 1.5 hours each
* A healing meditation created for you
* Email support for the duration
Cost: $550.00

Would you like to learn more about my services?

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